“Happiness Is Handmade”

35:35 Makers Collective

During family vacations to Door County, WI I would visit a little boutique called The Pink Mailbox. I would buy stickers, stamps, stationary, and all the items that brought me joy. I always dreamed of owning a store like it one day. After many years of creating, designing and meeting makers of all kinds, 35:35 Makers Collective was born. My joy is now found in sharing handmade items that I love and highlighting makers I admire.


He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as engravers, designers, embroiderers in blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen, and weavers—all of them skilled workers and designers.

Exodus 35:35 

Vuur Lont Candle Co

Vuur - noun. Fire

Lont – noun. Wick

I’ve always loved burning candles in my home and while doing so I started getting headaches and discovered it was caused by candles made with unnecessary chemicals. I knew there had to be a better way! While creating a cleaner and safer candle not only was Vuur Lont Candle Co born, I learned scents were triggering heartfelt memories. It’s amazing how scents can bring you back to moments in time. Scent is my new love language and I love creating products that are not only clean, safe for your home but can spark a happy memory.
